⭐️ The Portal 2:20 Teen Center is for students ages 13 through 18. All students must read and agree to following our facility guidelines & rules, as well as have a signed parent/guardian form on file with us in order to participate at the Portal 2:20 Teen Center. First time visitors, check out our Welcome page for more information! You can preview or download the Parent/Guardian form below.
⭐️ Our facility encourages and reinforces personal responsibility for teenagers. We expect teens to conduct themselves in a manner that is at least as good (if not better) than they would behave at school. While we strive to show grace, sometimes we must enforce strict punishment that may include calling parents and suspension from the teen center for an extended period of time. Please keep this in mind and encourage your teen to read and understand our rules and guidelines before attending. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to email us at [email protected].
⭐️ Our facility encourages and reinforces personal responsibility for teenagers. We expect teens to conduct themselves in a manner that is at least as good (if not better) than they would behave at school. While we strive to show grace, sometimes we must enforce strict punishment that may include calling parents and suspension from the teen center for an extended period of time. Please keep this in mind and encourage your teen to read and understand our rules and guidelines before attending. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to email us at [email protected].